Ajakorashifal: Promising Horoscopes of Baishakh, 2078
The year 2078 has just begun. We are here in the first month of the year, starting with the Horoscopes of Baishakh. The month and its attributes for the predicted horoscopes can help you make the month as the horoscope might indicate it to be and prevent the bad impacts with its understanding.
For the monthly reading, we analyze Surya, Sukra, Budha, and Mangal Planets. These planets and their positions point out the condition of the month for you according to your Rashi.
The details related to your Rashi for this month will help you make the right choices to move forward, with carefully judged plans.
With this, we would like to wish you all a Happy New Year 2078.
No matter what the Rashifal prediction might be, you should be determined and have a belief in your Karma.

Ajakorashifal: Horoscopes of Baishakh for Each Rashi
You can benefit from it.
The first answer is to believe in yourself.
The second is your determination. And the third is your passion. And only then comes the Horoscope prediction to guide you through your way.
Aries (मेष राशि – Mesh Rashi) Baishakh 2078
“chu, che, cho, la, laa, li, loo, le, lo, a” (चु, चे, चो, ल, ला, लि, लू, ले, लो, अ )
Sukra’s impact on this month for Mesh Rashi seems to be a blessed thing. With the positive side of it being a boon for the education field. You might be the fortunate one in the education sector of travel.
The sustainable richness of gold, silver is seen to be added. This can also be associated with your business field of work. If you are associated with the Agricultural side and investing in it, then it is going to be an economically progressive month for you.
Surya has some negative impacts for this month, you might have an effect toll on your heart, there might also be an increase in your emotion of anger, along with mourning that you might have to face.
Budh effect can show that you will be gaining auspicious blessings from this side along with beneficiary education but will impact your mentality. So implementing thoughts to your spoken words will give you positivity that can help you prevent some loss that it might have caused otherwise.
Mangal’s position for this month shows a lot of negativity for you to face,
You will have a risk of theft from your valuables. Your hard-earned asset might be lost. There can be a disturbance among your brothers, related to property. All these economic aspects can even lead to legal disputes.
To make the month as smooth as possible, you should worship Lord Ganesh. You can even try fasting on Tuesdays. Your happiness and progress can overpower your obstacles for the month if you follow this measure.
Taurus : Brish Rashi (वृष राशि) Baishakh 2078
“ba, va, u, ee, e, o, va, vee, vu, ve, vo” (बा, व, ई, ए,ओ, वा, वी, वु, वे, वो)
Sukra for this month is positioned in a very fruitful way. Your love relationship is very good and your time for marriage is also suitable for this month. So, your relationship might turn into a marriage. Traveling abroad for a short adventure or business-related work is to be expected for this month.
You might have an addition to your wardrobe collection of branding clothes.
Budh’s position shows useless travel that might not give any outcome to your hard work. Your effort is not going to bring the expected results. The second person will not accept your efforts. you could count it as a loss.
Mangal’s position is also not counted as a suitable one. You are going to face anger issues with pressure rise along with other health-related problems in your head, or eyes can also be expected.
You are going to be anxious with fear as you will have conflicts, seen with your brothers. Property assets related to work should be taken with caution. You can have some immediate health issues. Be very careful about your health and follow precautionary health habits.
That can be the positivity to have a good time this month.
Gemini : Mithun Rashi (मिथुन राशि) Baishakh 2078
“ka, chha, gha, kaa, kee, ku, ke, ko, haa” (क, छ, घ, का, की, कु, के, को, हा)
This month is filled with overall good aspects though there are always some mixed things in some form.
Sukra for this month has given you an expedition that can get you a lot of freshness. It can be an unexpected form of a surprise that can make your month. Your happiness related to your relationship is very good, you might even get married to your lover. You will also receive helpful hands from females. The economic aspect, this month is to increase. You will receive it in quite unrelated form from your regular source.
Budh is also giving out the best for you this month. Your respect is deemed to increase with position power and promotion. Your happiness and satisfaction are going to be achieved this month.
Surya is placed on your positive side, which is going to help you add some properties. It will help you overcome your diseases and defects.
Mangal is showing some weak positioning. If you are a Manglik person, then overall all your relations from your partner to your siblings might be affected. This month shows the risks of accidents and some health problems. Demotivating effects can also be foreseen for this month.
You should have control over your issues emotionally, and it will be a positive month for Baishakh.
Cancer : Karkat Rashi (कर्कट राशि) Baishakh 2078
“da, ha, hee, hu, ho, daa, dee, doo ,de ,do” (द, ह, ही, हु, हो, दा, दी, दू, दे, दो)
This month seems to be very beneficial for you.
Surya is making your time for this month very powerful. With a level rise of respect and position. If you are into politics then the time is quite right for you with the best Opportunities and social respect that comes along with it.
Your profit from Animal related business is seen to be beneficial. Expenses for Luxury products will be there, in a good way that is your good growth.
Sukra is showing some negative impacts with obstacles to your work ethic. Athletes, Tourism, and media persons are going to face some hardships due to this effect,
You will lose some respect due to women, so caution should be implemented with it.
Budh position is very good, which will bring you economic gain from various aspects. You will be driven to those profits unplanned and unknowingly. Your work is going to be a success that can take you through some achievements. Your words are the tool for that.
Mangal effect will bring rise to your economy. You will find your position to be respected. Gold and Copper are also seen to be very beneficial for you. Real estate is also a good profiting job that you will gain profit from.
Leo : Singha Rashi (सिंह राशि) Baishakh 2078
“ma, ta, maa, mee, mo, me, taa, tee, too, de” (म, त, मा, मी, मो, ता, ती, तू, दे)
A medium type of month is ahead of you. You should be careful about your steps.
Sukra’s position is very strong for this month. With property gain, Success and achievements, and Education are deemed to be very beneficial. You will also gain some respectful prestige.
Surya’s position shows some effects of lacking and shortage. It can also be said that you will be unsatisfied. Your relation with your father is going to be unstable. And the rise of conflicts with even relatives can be expected.
Budh’s position is also seen as medium impact. With problems with your work, your impact will be diminished, your done work from helpfulness will be taken as a negative approach.
Mangal’s position will bring health problems for you. Accidents and attacks on your prestige in society can also be expected. Loss of your valuables or theft is seen, so be very careful of your precious things
Your enemies are on the rise, but your determination can overpower them. That will make your month a normal and smooth one.
Virgo : Kanya Rashi (कन्या राशि) Baishakh 2078
“pa, tha, na, to, paa, pee, poo, sha, na, tha, pe, po” (प, ठ, न, तो, पा, पी, पू, श, न, ठ, पे, पो)
A medium type of month is ahead of you.
Sukra’s effect is seen to be very strong. It shows help from females. Your relationship is going to be very strong and successful. If you are a media person or into the acting business then it is also a good time for you.
Happiness and respect will be gained.
Budh position is going to give you success through the way. With your work and effort being recognized. Your educational path is also to be a fruitful one, you will get what you want to achieve
Surya is not so good of an effect for you. You will have problems with your wife. Fear and health problems are also associated with it. Accidents are prone for you. So avoid black ones.
Mangal effect is giving a loss effect with gems, stone, and vehicle business. Sharp weapons and height are deemed very harmful for you. It shows some accidental traits. ‘Mahamrityunjaya mantra’ should be implemented. You should worship Lord Shiva for the blessings.
Libra : Tula Rashi (तुला राशि) Baishakh 2078
“ra, ta, raa, ree, roo, re, ro, taa, tee, too, te” (र, त, रा, री, रू, रे, रो, ता, ती, तू, ते)
You should be very careful this month. Your caution can get you good impacts.
You have a property gain effect for you this year.
Sukra will bring some health problems associated with stomach and blood pressure. Your relation with your wife is also seen to be affected.
This will also bring you into the bad influence that might get you into trouble.
Budh is going to bring you on a negative track. Your mentality can be highly affected. Your diseases will be affecting you. and your enemies are on the lookout to harm you.
You should be very careful and cautious about what you say as it might harm you in an extreme way.
Scorpio : Brishchik Rashi (वृश्चिक राशि) Baishakh 2078
“na, ya, to, naa, nee, noo, yaa, yee, yu” (न, या, तो, ना, नी, नू, या, यी, यु)
A medium month for you this month.
Surya is very bright this month. You will have very good health and its effect will also be very good. You will be in contact with prestigious people. Support and happiness from your father will help you.
Sukra’s effect will bring conflict for you with enemies that will bring you desperate times of disruption.
Budh is very strong for you that will bring success. Your enemies will be down. And your achievements are going to be the highlights. Your maternal uncles are going to be a big help.
Mangal is weak and will bring loss for you. And failure in your work. health problems in your stomach, a conflict between brothers. And accidents that can bring sudden change. You might have to compromise yourself for the smooth running.
Sagittarius : Dhanu Rashi (धनु राशि) Baishakh 2078
“bha, dha, pha, dha, ye, yo, bhaa, bhee, bhoo, dhaa, dhaa, bhe” (भ, ध, फ, ढ, ये, यो, भा, भी, भो, धा, ढा, भे)
A medium month is ahead of you.
Sukra is going to bring you happiness related to children. You might have a new baby or the happiness that you will receive from your existing child. You will be proud of them.
The Mangal effect will neutralize your enemies. And they will be respectful towards you.
Surya is weak for you so you might be under attack through your position. You might have to carry a Blame. Your support will decrease. And health issues are to be expected. There will be a dilemma for you, even to stand for yourself. Obstacles for you are to be expected.
Lord Shiva and Vishnu should be worshipped for the best prosperity.
Capricorn : Makar Rashi (मकर राशि) Baishakh 2078
“kha, ja, bho, jaa, jee, khee, khoo, gaa, gee” (ख, ज, भो, जा, जी, खी, खू, गा, गी)
A medium month is ahead of you.
Sukra is auspicious for you. Increase in your property. And happiness from your family, friends and love relation is very high. You will take part in a very respected and grand ceremony banquet.
You will get an opportunity to increase your profit.
Surya is weak for this month, which will bring troubles and conflicts for you. Weakness will bring you health problems. Unsatisfactory results from your child will bring you a lot of loss and pain.
All this effect will be a hard toll on you so you are recommended to try out the measures of ‘Graha Shanti’ to neutralize the negative impacts for this month.
Aquarius : Kumbha Rashi (कुम्भ राशि) Baishakh 2078
“ga, sa, sha, sh, gu, ge, go, saa, see, soo, se, daa” (ग, स, श, ष, गु, गे, गो, सा, सी, सू, से, दा)
A medium month is ahead of you.
Surya is very prosperous for you. Your impression, for others, is going to be very lasting and positive. You are going to be very dedicated and hardworking. Happiness is to be with you. You will be reflected in every individual’s heart.
Sukra is also very strong for you. Your support from friends and family is also very strong. You are going to receive new clothes and new opportunities.
Budh is going to affect the rise of conflicts with your relatives. It will make you weaker with economic aspects. Be careful before doing anything. Rush impacts can only be harmful.
Mangal shows health impacts on your heart. And your family conflicts are also affected by this effect. Your satisfaction that you expect would not be met. Your schedule situation is going to keep you away from your home.
‘Batuk bhairav’ should be worshipped this month for the best fruition against the harmful impacts.
Pisces : Min Rashi (मीन राशि) Baishakh 2078
“da, cha, jha, tha, de, doo, tha, de, do, chee” (द, छ, झ, ठ, दे, दू, था, डे, दु, छे)
You have a medium month ahead.
Sukra has a very strong impact. You will receive a position, and gain it as yours. Property addition is also seen for the month. You’ll also receive promotion through your position. Your income source is also going to be increasing.
You will meet the beautiful woman of your dreams. Your relationship is going to be very strong. Female support is also going to help you a lot.
Mangal effect is also very strong for you this month. Progress along every aspect is seen to be rising. Economically, mentally and socially you are deemed to be present respectfully.
The Surya effect is seen to be very weak for you. Your work is going to be a useless effort. You won’t receive anything back for your hard work.
Budh is also a bit weak, as your enemies are on the rise. You should be careful while you are making plans. You should be very calm during conflicts.
There are accident traits for you. You might even have to face a lot of loss and struggles.
But your determination supported by other effects will pull you through anything.
Before You End these Horoscopes of Ashar
Horoscopes are meant to keep you ready and on guard. You must not rely on horoscope alone as your Karma. You are to analyze and notice what is best for you according to the Astrological reading and do what suits best for you. That makes the Rashi a complete form of prediction.
You can benefit from it. The first answer is to believe in yourself. The second is your determination. And the third is your passion. And only then comes the Horoscope prediction to guide you through your way.
Go through the Vastu Tips, if you are having any problems in your marriage. Guru will help you out.

There is a mysterious analysis about the Rashi names and the theory that surrounds it, If you are interested.